Current obsession: bell hooks

bell hooks and Melissa Harris-Perry’s thoughts on media representation of black women is one of the most interesting aspects of the segment to me, as well as hooks’ observations about Martin Luther King Jr.’s writings (at approximately 37:00) but the entire interview is a must-watch.

On Beasts of the Southern Wild:

“No, the abuse of a young black girl’s body is not ‘deep’, it’s appalling.”

On gender bias/gender bias in the workplace:

Melissa Harris-Perry: “[Yes, I’m demanding, difficult]”
“I’m not mad as an inherent aspect of my blackness or my womanhood, but mad about something.”

bell hooks on the character of Patsy in 12 Years a Slave:

“It’s like not only are you suffering, but you’ve got to take on the added burden of articulating this black man’s pain to him”

“I want to see a pushing of the imagination, a broadening…I’m tired of the naked raped beaten black body, I want to see an image of black femaleness that alters our universe in some way.”

Melissa Harris-Perry:

“For me, 12 Years was the first time there was no cinematic redemption of the white woman.”


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